Monday, July 11, 2016

41 Weeks

Hello, helloooooo, and Happy Monday!

Correction. Let me instead say: freaking goodness am I happy this Monday is drawing to a close. Oye, oye, oye do I feel whooped.

Mostly due to a super rough night with my teething cutie last night. But, still. It was brutal. So I'm beyond grateful the hubby was home this afternoon--and beyond beyond grateful he was our buddy for a family outing to take Chica and Little Man to their well-visit doctors appointments.

But first, before the appointment report...some stinking adorable weekly pics :)

Okie dokie. The appointment was a bit of a beat down, even with the children relatively well behaved. But that's just how these things go sometimes with so much to be checked out.

Chica was awesome, and sooooo interested in everything they checked out, and especially all the instruments they used, constantly asking, "and what's next?"

And for the first time, she had a hearing and vision check, which was both comical and adorable. A-okay on all fronts, and still a super tall girl and exactly in the 50th percentile for weight, so the doc says she's perfect (as if I needed that confirmed ;)

And I'm happy to report that this little nugget is now 20 pounds, 12.5 ounces, and 29 inches tall. Woohoo!

If only I knew what percentiles that put him in. But we were a bit distracted at that poiny, as things were breaking down, ha, and I forgot to ask.

So grateful for my healthy, happy babies. 

And I'd be just about as grateful for some better sleep tonight!

Over and out.

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