Thursday, July 7, 2016

From "Friends" To Friends

So, let's be real here. We all know how it is when kiddos are preschool age and meeting/playing/intermingling.

The parents are like, look, it's your friend, so-and-so, and the child is like, okay, yup, I guess that's my friend if you say so--even when they're just sort of co-existing rather than actually befriending one another.

But...then something magical happens when you see the arranged friendships become actual friendships, and it's just the cutest thing in the world.

Chica has gravitated toward one particular friend from dance (though there are many she very much enjoys), and the love is totally mutual.

These two are hilariously adorable on play dates, always asking if they can see one another, and don't even get me started on the preciousness of their greetings in the dance studio parking lot each week.

I mean, I die.

Oh, and the best part--they each have younger sisters about the same age. So we've got two sets of sisters feeling the love.

Look here--it's four kiddos:

I mean, if this doesn't look like the cutest bunch o' trouble, I don't know what is.

So blessed to have these happy, like-tempered children come from like-minded Mamas, who all get to enjoy one another's company.

Buddies are a beautiful thing.

Now if only they had a younger brother in their family, too ;)

Happy Almost-Weekend, peeps!

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