Friday, July 1, 2016

Chica's 4th Birthday Finale--The Decorations

I've often said that my gift to my children was birthing them each at the end of a month so they could milk their birthdays for a loooong time (just as their Mama does).

But even I gotta admit--it seemed like Chica's bday just went on and on this year, ha.

Nevertheless...we finally came to the end of the celebrations on Wednesday, with her PJ Masks-themed decorations. And they were the perfect capper to the fun.

Here it all is at a quick glance:

Now, I should give the disclaimer that it was a bit tough to pull off this PJ Masks theme when there isn't a lot of official merchandise available yet (since the show is so new). So I had to get creative--and turn to some Etsy vendors for help.

But...I knew that the real key to Chica's heart would be balloons. So I started there, and found something fantastic.

This awesome, easy and inexpensive balloon arch.

I thought for sure it would end up an epic Mommy Fail, but for once, it was so easy peasy!

It assembled in just a few sections (that I also taped together for extra reinforcement after reading some purchase reviews). Then half an hour and about 35 balloons later...voila!

I have a feeling we'll be using it over and over again, because, who doesn't love an obnoxious arch of balloons???

The colors were supposed to be red, blue and green, but I could only find these sort of lime-colored ones the other day at the store. So we just went with it anyway.

And here are our three PJ superhero friends, filled with goodies.

And the tri-colored cake I made, that ended up totally hilarious-looking, but scrumptious.

My favorite find for the decor was these wooden superheroes (that are covered in glitter on the back, for kicks).

Add a cityscape in the background (because the show happens at night, in the city), and we were pretty much good to go.

Chica was sooooo excited to wake up and run downstairs to see it all. And so was Chicklet :)

And I was weak and let them dig into some goodie bags.

The cake was a big hit. 'Cause it had icing. And sprinkles. Duh.

And so were the superheroes on sticks, that were originally intended to go in the cake ;)

I loved seeing the smiles :)

I did not love seeing these goodie bag sticky splats, that left slime prints on my walls and windows.

We spent a lot of time in the dining room that day...

We made the superheroes on sticks climb the walls (super gecko grip!) and fly around (super owl wings!)...

Owlette came to dance class with us...

And we went right back to the dining room after class and errands...

Now here's the point where I note the total epic fail of not actually having a party with her dance class friends. 

Soooo many were unavailable because of the holiday week, two random family medical emergencies happened last minute, and still a couple others had holiday-related travel plans. So we finally just called it a no-go.

So Mama learned a lesson. Since Chica's birthday will always fall close to the holiday, we will always need to err on the side of celebrating early rather than later if we want little friends included.

That said--Chica had NO clue anything was amiss. She honestly just wanted decorations, since that's her definition of a party these days.

And anybody following along on this here blog knows that she's certainly been blessed with a bunch of special birthday fun over the last week or two.

So hip, hip, hooray, for an awesomesauce 4th birthday for my beloved firstborn!

And hip, hip, hooray, for our superhero friends that will be hanging around for the foreseeable future ;)

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