Friday, July 1, 2016

Stained Glass Mermaid!

Woohoo!! Double post day!

And it's only mid-afternoon, so who the heck knows how many we'll end up with on this catch-up day! So exciting, I know I know. The highlight of your week, right? Right.

Okay, so for this second installment of the day, I give you the end of our birthday/craziness hoopla, and the return to life as we know and love it (if only for one, brief day, before the holiday weekend).

So there we were yesterday morning, finally taking a breather with nowhere to be and nothing to do, when Little Man actually went down for a morning nap (pause to soak in the SHOCK of this event).

Now, Chica's no dummy, so she knew what this meant.


Since our summer days have been so busy and Little Man's naps have been so infrequent, I've stock-piled quite a few awesome crafts over the past month, so we had a great one to bust out.

A stained glass mermaid! Just like the other stained glass projects we've made and loved.

But this one was bigger. And round. And could hang from a suction cup hook. Woo. Hoo.

Oh, and unlike the other square ones we've done, this one came with the pieces already laid out in the appropriate order, so it was easy and fun and just the perfect project for a great, normal day :)

We even lazily completed the mermaid while we watched some random TV. Which is one of the many things I've come to appreciate of late.

In times past, I would've felt a teensy bit guilty about indulging in random binge-watching. But as our schedules become more crammed with with dance lessons, swim lessons, play dates, pool dates, and with Chica's preschool looming on the horizon, I've come to appreciate this wonderful down time for what it is.

A chance to unplug (wait--scratch that). Unwind, and just be.

And when my daughter asks me to snuggle while we watch? Well, that's just heaven.

So the mermaid was wonderful, low-key fun...

And beautiful when it was done (hey now, unintended rhyme alert)...

And hilariously, when I asked Chica to stand next to the finished project for a pic, she said she'd take one instead. Of me. Ha.

Turnabout's fair play, yes??


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