Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My Dishwasher Dude

One of my very favorite (like, very very berry favorite) baby stages is the Dishwasher Stage.

It's a real thing, peeps. Scout's honor.

I swear, as soon as they're big enough to be pulling up to standing, that dishwasher just calls to them like a homing device.

He can be halfway across the house but come-'a-crawlin' if he hears me near the sink. 

And it's beyond stinking adorable to see his little head pop up, like, hey, what's up; whatcha doin' here; whatcha got?

And can we please just take a moment to "admire" the beautiful job I've done of loading it? I mean, couldn't be more organized (I kid, I kid; hey--they get clean).

I'm actually going be bummed when he has the skills to walk away. I luuuurv having him as my dishwashing buddy, and hope this stage drags on for a long while :)

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