Saturday, July 16, 2016

This Ain't My First Princess

So, awhile back, we discovered there would be a new Disney princess show. I repeat. A NEW DISNEY PRINCESS SHOW.

(Cue choirs of angels rejoicing.)

The announcement itself was ridiculously exciting, but when images and--gasp!--commercials started popping up everywhere...well, it was game. on.

Aaaand, The Disney Store, being the brilliant, money-maker it is, was full-on stocked with merchandise a month ago. So we totally hopped on the bandwagon early. Because if I've learned anything in my meager years as a parent, it's this:

1. Getting the kiddos all hyped up and suuuuuuuper excited about the show they have to wait for is half the fun. Maybe even 75 percent of it.


2. I don't wanna be the one to wait until after the show premieres and the merchandise is all sold out. I wanna be the early worm. It's waaaay more fun.

So, here we are--early, deliriously-excited adopters.

This is Chica in her Elena nightgown that she requested for her bday (ironically, we gifted her a nightgown for her third bday, as well. Hehe):

And naturally, I had to get Chicklet one, too :)

And here are my matching lovelies, sitting on the couch with the flying animal (not sure yet exactly what kind of animal she is) named Skylar that's part of the show. For the record, Skylar was meant for Little Man, but Chicklet absolutely confiscated him, and has been sleeping with him tucked beside her at nap and at night ever since ;)

(Oh, and I must, must address Chica's hilarious and adorable ponytail in that pic--that she asked for so she could look like Mama, ha. But she still wanted her braid loose. I die.)

And heeeeere's my little Elenas again, one rainy day last week when they were watching TV and snuggling with a snoozing with Daddy:

And, finally, the ultimate in amazeballs land--the Elena septor, which Chica received as a No Diapers Ever Again gift yesterday (she's been potty trained for a year, but we've stupidly kept nighttime diapers in the routine, just in case. But, no need, so no more!).

For the record, I could not love Daddy's face more in the above pic :) Man, does he know how to play along.

And I also could not love Chica's face more in the following pic, where she's telling Daddy that maybe when he gets older, he can have a septor, too.

And she wasn't left out, Chicklet got some Lion Guard figurines :)

That she carried around with her everywhere.

P.S. The septor glows and plays a song, so we spent a decent chunk of time in dark closets yesterday.

So, needless to say, we've so enjoyed the build-up to this new show that airs in six days (woohoo!). If we love it as much as Sofia...well, it will be like welcoming a new family member, ha.

But it's been particularly obvious to me, as I reflect on our build-up fun and pictures, just how blessed we are.

I really do stop to think quite often how fortunate we are to share with the kiddos these trinkets that bring such joy and make something like this into a full-on event. But it's important to acknowledge, I think, so that we never ever take it for granted.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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