Thursday, July 28, 2016

Winding Down

I can feel it, peeps.

(And no, I'm not talking about the humidity--though I can certainly feel that this week.)

I'm talking about the great summer wind down. It's in the air. I can feel it. Which is just nuts, since I feel like the summer just began.

My telltale sign is my pool enthusiasm. In June, I gladly haul the kids twice, but usually thrice (gratuitous rhyme alert) a week. 

In July, it's twice, and that's quite nice.

And in August, my motivation tends more toward once, ha. Though I don't think I'll get away with that this year.

Ironically, God gave me a bit of a reprieve this week from sunscreen slathering duty by providing awesomely unexpected rainy days.

This afternoon, we had our very first sunny opening for a quick half-hour pool visit before dinner, and wouldn't you know it--this was our view by the time we left!

These scattered thunderstorms sure have been wild (and sudden).

In other totally unrelated news...this was my eldest's outfit of choice for lunch out with Daddy today:

Sometimes, a girl just needs a recital costume and superhero wings to feel right.

Happy Almost Weekend, peeps!

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