Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dollar Bin Attitude Adjustments

After an early morning, a packed schedule, a raucous play date (at our house), and the ongoing extra chaos of the bath tub tear out project, my exhausted children FAILED at napping today.

It was like a disastrous domino effect that ended in all three of them incoherently wailing on the floor of Chica's room.

So I rounded them all up--still crying, mind you--for a Target run of uber necessary items like toilet paper and diapers--both of which we were dangerously low on--and hoped for the best.

And (cue choirs of angels singing) what did our wondrous eyes behold when we crossed the threshold???

New HALLOWEEN dollar bin loot!

I've been praying for this day of late. I knew it was just around the corner, but I figured I'd have to wait until after Labor Day.

It seriously fills me with SO MUCH JOY to see this unofficial kickoff of the collective holiday season. Best. Time. Of. Year. Hands. Down.

We've already ordered our Halloween costumes and Chica's been oogling every catalogue that comes to the house showcasing any Fall decor. It's the best.

And so are these cheetah ears...

So, thank you, dollar bins, for helping to turn my crew's frowns upside down. You're always there for me when I need you most :)

Tub project is done tomorrow. So I sense one more long day and then it should ease up (fingers crossed).

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