Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Tough Farewell

Warning: Today's post contains a wee bit of sap--the emotional, not the tree variety--and reflection, so read with caution. Over and out.

Today, we threw a going away party for our dearest dance class friends, who are moving to Colorado in a matter of days.

And to say I've been a bit blue over their impending departure would be a gross understatement :(

I've long waxed grateful on this here blog for the incredible group of mothers and children we've come to know through the dance studio; there's really not a bad apple in the bunch.

But there's one particular family we've bonded with most of all, so to send them off is a bit tough.

There are so many reasons I'm going to miss this mother and two daughters (and a third kiddo on the way!), but I'm trying to channel those bittersweet feelings into nothing but love for the time we've spent together.

And I suppose, the most important thing I'll remember from our year of constant play dates and mommy talks and milestones and challenges is the great comfort of meeting a like-minded, like-tempered, easy-to-be-around and mutually gracious family.

God graced us with these friends at a time when we were early in the group play and Mommy dynamics game, and boy did He set the standard high.

We have one last opportunity to see our dear friends before they leave for good, so I'm clinging to that for now.

And even when the distance and growth of our kiddos makes it harder to keep in touch, I'll look back on this as a time of building self-esteem and setting us up for positive Mommy-and-their-kids relationships moving forward.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

This last one from today--a split heart, "best friends" necklace made me shed actual tears. And almost took down the hubby, as well.

What a blessing to have all these beautiful memories.

(And pretty puh-lease babble about some better-to-have-loved-and-lost mumbo jumbo when the true depression hits next week.)

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