Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chica's Pre-K Update

Well, peeps. It's finally happened.

Despite the way-warmer-than-I-like temperatures staying way past their welcome, it's finally looking like Fall, for realz.

I almost wept tears of joy on our evening walk.

So since we've officially made the seasonal transition--and therefore, made it through three months of school--I thought I'd give a little Chica Pre-K update.

The headlines in case you're already bored with me:

Chica's learning light is fully lit and a-blazin'. With all the alphabetical work at school, she's wildly interested in reading at home, and with daily work together, is full-on sounding out words and small sentences in some pre-reader books I've purchased. (Can I get a whoohoo??!!).

Given the awesomesauce emails I get, I see her smiling face in pics from her teachers, and know she's having fun--and connecting with friends--while at school.

But...(there's always a catch, yes?), around the six-week mark, we started to deteriorate in terms of the drop off and Chica's anxiety about going. To the extent that she often cries now when I bring her to her classroom, and the entire morning routine and ride to school ain't pretty.

Now, let's put it all in perspective, yes? 

The whole child school anxiety issue is nothing new.

That said, it's new to me (and my child). 
So I don't love when peeps trivialize it, because, well, it's a bit tough.

Handling Chica's fears (Am I coming back for her? How long will I be gone? Is today a school day? I just don't want you to leave me), is emotionally heavy for me. And it's especially difficult to give the comforting but tough-love drop-off I'd like, when I'm hauling a squirming Little Man, and chasing a rogue Chicklet through the school hallway.

Again, not a new problem for parents with multiple children the world over.

But new to me (and my crew).

The other thing that's a bit tough--and something I hadn't thought through before--is the totally vague and wildly varying phase that is Pre-K.

Some kids go every day.

Some kids go half days.

Some kids go a couple days.

Some kids don't go at all.

Some kids go to a less-structured school.

Some kids go to an elementary-style school.

Some kids are there for education.

Some kids are there for socialization.

I mean, it really is a full and varied spectrum. And that makes it hard (for me, at least) not to let my brain wander through the questions of what's "best."

So at the end of the day, I just have to focus on my own household. And, thank heavens, I know my truth (ha, name that movie; hint: Vince Vaughn and a shark encounter):

Chica's certainly benefiting educationally and socially. And easing in with two days has for sure been the way to go--for her. But it's not all sunshine and puppies at the moment. Those are just the facts--good, bad and in between.

But, hey, maybe we're getting this anxiety out of the way now, before kindergarten. And at least next Fall everything will be equalized with the great entry into elementary school, so the guessing game of that hypothetical "best" will be removed.

That's said...for our present day, I'd love to get to a happy drop-off stage again, and a free and easy mentality for my kiddo. So here's hoping this phase passes sooner rather than later!

Over and out, peeps.

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