Friday, November 4, 2016

Early Voting

Well...we done did our patriotic duty today.

But it felt a bit more like a patriotic punishment, this election round.

So I decided to look at the positives...and instead of dreading the political options of the next four years, I took a trip down memory lane of the last four years.

That meant I got stuck in the awesomesauce vortex of the pictures on this blog. Naturally. (I mean, who can resist looking through a virtual flip book of their kiddos aging??)

But I'll spare you the vortex and just share a pic from my last presidential vote, when Chica was a wee, beautiful, ginormous-eyed four-month-old, and Chicklet and Little Man only existed in God's plans.

I mean...I.CAN'T.EVEN.DEAL. With the cuteness. And teeny-tiny-ness. And the fact that I am currently, at this very moment, wearing the same ratty shirt I was wearing in that pic (that's me, holding Chica). But I digress....

And now, here my eldest is, a full-fledged preschooler, only fourteen years from her chance to vote ;)

She was teary-eyed from bawling her bloody eyes out when she thought she wouldn't get to go in the precinct and see what the fuss was all about.

(Spoiler alert: she made it inside.)

What a difference four years makes in this merry-go-round called life.

And now, a pun-intended picture.

Peace out, peeps, and HAPPY WEEKEND!



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