Friday, November 11, 2016

Gobble, Gobble

Man, was I blessed with just an awesomesauce chill day with my kiddos to round out a considerably more chill (chiller?) week for us.

We ate a yummy home-cooked breakfast.

We enjoyed new cartoons.

We played and tickled and played.

We dined al fresco at Chick-fil-A, just the four of us. (This was probably my favorite bit).

We had another lovely Fall walk.

And we got our Thanksgiving project on with some turkeys.

What more could a Mama ask for??

Oh yeah--her dearest friend in town from Florida! The Godmother returned to us (doesn't that sound ominous and hilarious) on the tail end of her trip. And we get to keep her through tomorrow morning, too. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

But pics of Godmother manana.

Turkey project for now.

So, call me OCD (and sometimes I am), but for these projects that involve a gazillion pieces that have peel-off sticker backing, I've started doing some prep work to make my life easier (and to keep Little Man from ingesting as many tiny pieces of sticker paper, ha).

I pre-peel stickers and put them on this plastic cutting board thingie (technical term), so the girlies can just grab and go. Makes for much less chaos.

Yay for Thanksgiving projects and chill days.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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