Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Happy Sunday Crew

It's always the loveliest of Sundays when we manage to accomplish our breakfast/church/grocery trio of morning events. And today, we did. :)

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes it's pretty exhausting. But it's the togetherness kind of exhausting that pumps me full o' joy. (Slightly frenzied joy, but still.)

I mean...

The nuttiness of barricading the kiddos in our master bedroom with us, while we all five get ready.

The shotgun-style of eating that's our norm when dining out, but typically feels like a nest of tiny birds all yapping for their nibbles simultaneously.

The sweat-inducing challenge of sitting in the back pew at church and trying to keep the whole crew from drawing so much noise we need to charge admission for our side show.

And the hilarious spectacle that is the girlies galloping down grocery store aisles while Little Man tries to worm out of the shopping cart seat so he can grab any and every item he can get his mits on.

I mean, if that's not insane joy (emphasis on the insane), I don't know what is.

BUT...if we make it through all that, and the chaos of unloading and putting away groceries, making/eating/feeding/cleaning-up lunch, and herding all three to late naps, I can sometimes snag the elusive of all rewards.

A Sunday nap.

And that, my friends, is HEAVEN.

And now, some pics.

Before breakfast...

Wiped after church...

Ecstatic over the Christmas tree att he grocery store...

And my turkeys with their turkey cookies (that were outrageously priced at $2.50, a fact I did not know until after they'd nibbled them, ha.)

Happy Sunday, peeps!

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