Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Post-Thanksgiving Regroup

(Tap, tap...is this thing on??)

Aaaaaaand...we're broadcasting live from the flip side of Thanksgiving, where we've had some re-entry bumps and are now finally back into our groove.

Los sientos for the radio silence.

But, now, as your reward (or punishment?) for your patience, I give you a window into my crazy brain on this Tuesday evening, with particular focus on time.

How we've been spending it. How little there is of it. And how this is the most wonderful season of it.

So let's start with the recap.

We returned home on Saturday. And on Sunday the household was struck hard by the ick.

In particular, Chicklet and I felt a hefty hammer of it. I managed to put on my festive pants long enough to assemble this new, super-fun, rose-gold, slimline tree for the dining room (hi, my adorable Little Man)...

...and then shortly thereafter, I bit the dust. I tapped out at noon and sent the hubby on a food run with the kids. Emerged from my coma long enough to help feed them and put them down for naps, and then...goodbye, George, see you next Thursday.

I slept nearly three more hours while they were out, and still felt like beat-up carcass.

But that was the low point (thank heavens), and Monday came and went with improvement (hallelujah!).

Since then, we've continued to trim the house. (And, man, do I have the darn tootin' cutest assistants.)

And busted out these light-up, singing snowmen.

And weve enjoyed endless hours of our singing, Frozen snow globe.

It's truly been a lovely two days--coughing and snot from all three kiddos aside. We've decorated we've played, we've gone on refreshing, low-key walks, and Chica returned to school today with a smile on her face (which makes Mama ridiculously happy).

So now that you know what we've been up to for the past coupla days, I'm going to give you a bonus round of the inner workings of m'mind by sharing a few tidbits I've been hoping to put in separate blog posts. 

But they've been sitting for weeks on the back burner while something else in our lives always takes precedence, and I've finally accepted the fact that I ain't gonna have time to share.

So I'm just going to slap them right here in this post so I don't lose theme forever. M'kay? M'kay.

First up--Paci Withdrawals. 

We took Chicklets pacis away a few months ago during daytime hours, but she's apparently still jonesing. Because every so often, she grabs brother's just to take a quick hit. And it's hilarious.

Next (and these are all screen grabs from my phone before I traded it in a few weeks ago, ha)--Crouching Toddler, Hidden Treasures.

For awhile, it was our routine to go on morning walks right after dropping Chica off at school. And I saw more of the top of Chicklet's head than anything else. She was in full-on explorer mode. And pretty much still is.

Next--Pony Up. Chicklet's first official pony ride that happened during our pumpkin patch visit. She rode twice, had a blast, and probably would have dragged one home, ha.

Chica rode, too. :)

Next--The Halloween McNuggets (yep, you read that correctly). Apparently, good old McDonalds gave these out in Happy Meals back in the day, and we collected them in my childhood.

Nanna saved them, brought them down a couple months ago, and Chica spent tons o' time in the month of October dressing the nuggets in their costumes lining them up for a "parade." (Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd type, ha).

In case you were wondering, she always put them in the same order. ;)

Next--Halloween Monster Project. It makes my heart hurt to see our sweet little dance class friend in this pic, as she's been gone to Colorado a few weeks now, and we still miss them like CRAZY, but this was a fun and silly project that we enjoyed this Fall.

And, finally--Our Wand Project. We decorated these bad boys on afternoon when we really needed a fun diversion, and it was the perfect treat.


I think we're finally all caught up, and my brain feels nice and purged.

I'm looking forward to continuing our holiday-tinted normalcy for the rest of the week, so stay tuned for our comings and goings.

Oh, and enjoy these final shots of my lovely ladies sipping hot chocolate tonight from the Christmas mugs I've used since I was a wee thing m'self.

Over and out!


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