Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tiny Tagalong Dancer

So...way back at the beginning of the summer, I let Chicklet try out a dance of her own.

Sure, she was younger by a whole year than Chica was when she started, but I was worried Chicklet was feeling left out, so I gave it a go.

And it when great.

And then it didn't.

And then she refused to go back in.

So I let it be, since, let's face it, she's two years old, and there was no need at all to push!

So wouldn't ya know it...all these months later, when the classroom door was left wide open today as the sweet girls were all filling in, Chicklet waltzed right in and plopped herself down for class.

The sweet, kind, always accommodating teacher welcomed her happily, and so did Chica.

I mean, seriously, it was hard to tell which of my girlies was getting s bigger kick out of it.

Chicklet stayed in there for twenty minutes or so--until they moved to the larger classroom to practice their Christmas recital number.

Who knows what will happen next week when we go, but it was a really sweet and surprising (and sisterly!) event today, and it warmed my Mama heart.


Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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