Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chica's First School Holiday Performance!

So...Chica's school scheduled a holiday performance (for last night) and, to be honest, I was close to telling them we wouldn't be there. First, because it's getting oh-so-close to Christmas, and my to-do list is miiiiiiles long, and, second, it was later in the evening than ideal for Little Man's bedtime.

But. Who can resist a holiday performance?? Especially a first holiday performance??

So we just brought snacks and diversions, buckled in for a late evening, and OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS AM I GLAD WE WENT!!!

I thought Chica's class would just stand up there and not really sing for a minute, but, no! They performed two songs, complete with some stinking adorable choreography, and Chica was AMAZING! 

She was excited to perform, so comfortable and sweet and very into the songs. And the best part: she paid special attention to her little friend next to her, helping him out during the choreographed bits where they were partnered up.

I. Could. Not. Have. Been. More. Proud.

And she was so proud of herself, too, which was amazing.

The video is priceless, but here are some pics:

Special bracelet for a special night...

The moment she spotted us...

It seriously was just a milestone night. I had a beautiful vision of what it will be like in a few years when all my babies are participating in these holiday events, and the joy was near to bursting. Oye. (And the busyness that will be--double oye, ha!)

Bonus shots for tonight: it was finally warm enough for us to venture outside for an early evening walk, and the kids were thrilled and the light was almost as beautiful as their little faces.


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