Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dance Class Christmas Party

So...I know I've said this a million times before, but I'll just be a broken record anyway :) We have the best dance class/studio/instructor in the world.

Today was the final class before this Saturday's Winter Recital, so all the girlies got to wear their pajamas to class. And as if that weren't enough fun, the dance instructor invited us all over to her home after class for a Christmas party.

And her home was like a magical wonderland of decorations. Filled with more nutcrackers than I could count and gorgeous trees. We ate, the kids explored and watched cartoons, and it was so lovely.

What a blessing this group continues to be. I think the kiddos truly benefit from the positive vibes among all of us, and the adorable dancing is just a bonus.

So looking forward to Saturday's performance. 


Man, have the holidays ramped up this year with more activities and events as the kids grow older. But, man, is it magical.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!


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