Thursday, December 15, 2016

Santa Visit--2016!

So...we finally, finally made our family visit to go see the jolly, important man, and it was perfect

We switched it up this year and visited Santa at a different location than we have since Chica was born, and, man, was everything just amazing.

First off--we sort of made it a spur-of-the-moment trip and tossed the trio in their fancy clothes after dinner with bath time looming, and I think there was something special about them getting to cheat bedtime just a bit.

And when we arrived, we were the only ones there, in this picturesque little cabin near a shopping area we frequent often. So the kiddos got to walk in, absorb the full sight of The Man, resplendent and smiling before a roaring fire in a cozy, friendly room, and there was zero stress.

Little Man toddled right over to him, and the girlies immediately followed, not one ounce scared or uncomfortable (which was wonderful, because last weekend, during the neighborhood Santa visit--that I swear I'll post about eventually--Chica was timid and unwillingly to approach too closely).

Chicklet even waved right away like it was no biggie, and said, "hi, Santa." They got to visit and explore the space, and answer Santa's questions, and only later did we settle them in for a pic that was easy breezy.

And afterwards, as Mama and Daddy were paying for the pic, Santa engaged Chica in a heartwarming personal singing game of Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. But he purposefully messed up words and put in silly substitutes until she pointed them out and sang the correct ones. A few times, she giggled so beautifully and openly, my heart nearly burst.

This is the magic, peeps. The prime, blessed family years.

And, as Chica put it when we left: "the best day ever."

(Side note: first Santa pic in three years without Mama and/or a screaming child in it. Woohoo!)

(Side, side note: Little Man was mesmerized by some jingle bells the photographer was ringing, and therefore, too entranced to smile ;))

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

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