Friday, December 9, 2016

Indoor Play (And Panic!) Place

So...I can't believe it, but it's been nearly three years since I first discovered this indoor play place near our house.

Chica wasn't even two years old, Chicklet was still in m'belly, and Little Man was just in God's plans when we made our inaugural visit (if my unreliable Mama brain serves me, ha).

We've had so many fun outings there, and it's always been a wonderful resource on days that are too hot, too cold, too rainy, or just too...something.

So on this super duper cold day, I brought the crazy-enthusiastic trio--and it turned into a visit like no other.

For the first time ever, Chica was a bit fearless in venturing out from the tiny kids' section and into the huge, multi-leveled maze-like monstrosity that is the main attraction of the place. And Chicklet happily trailed after her, ha.

But...with Little Man underfoot, I was relegated to boldly going only where I could fit, so there were a few panic-inducing moments when the girls' climbed super high and got lost in the labrynth, got separated from one another, or just plain got diverted for the sake of fun and needed directions, ha.

So I spent a decent amount of time hollering and signaling like an air traffic controller from the ground level, whilst chasing after my no-holds-barred Little Man.

Oye, was it tiring!

And fun :)

And, boy, did they nap well (muahahaha* evil, calculating Mama laugh).

And now, some pics.

The contained play space:

And...the giant awesomeness:

Seriously. This is just the one wall of the interior. In about another year, my kiddos will be owning this joint.

And this bonus shot is both Chica in her Dino gear again today--and my emotional state at times, hehe ;) THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!!!




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