Monday, December 19, 2016

Winter Dance Recital--2016

So...I'm gonna attempt to do a couple of catch up posts tonight because I fear if I don't, things will get lost in the holiday mayhem forever!

But fair warning: from this point forward, my posts might be light on the words and heavy on the pics until we get through Christmas (now SIX DAYS AWAY!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!).

So the Cliff's Notes version of this post: 

Chica's Winter Dance Recital was Saturday. She was gorgeous and excited and not at all nervous and happy to be with her friends and performed sooooo well (to her Suzy Snowflake routine) and Mama got the gold parent star for forgetting they had to return costumes post-performance, so she walked out in tights and undies (without a care in the world, I might add).

I'm soooooo grateful she continues to get such joy out of this little dance class. I know she's going to miss it the next few weeks during winter break.

(With her hair up and her loooong legs, she looked about eight years old on Saturday and it slayed me!)




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