They've not been overly sick, but they've not been great, either. And Little Man's low-grade fever of Mon/Tues that I thought was teething has now been passed to my Chicklet and become a medium-grade fever. And I discovered a couple kids in Chica's class have been out with the flu this week.
:('s appointment in the morning, it is.
But even without a doctor's opinion, I'd know my babies aren't too swell when...
Chicklet sits like this in one spot for any length of time:

Or when she falls asleep in the car:

Or when Little Man isn't starving for breakfast, and then looks like this during Chica's school drop-off:

Or when my eldest (who's healthiest of them all at this point) wants to really snuggle at nap time instead of con me into more Leap Pad time:

Glad tomorrow's Friday so Daddy can help me spread around the love. The youngest two have been fighting over Mama's lap!
Nighty, night, peeps.
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