Saturday, January 28, 2017

Imagination At Play

So...remember those kiddos of mine who were not feeling great, but not too terrible?

Well, Little Man spent yesterday morning throwing up, so he sort of hijacked the doctor's appointment I'd already scheduled for Chicklet.


But after some anti-nausea medication from the doc, he stopped with the upward momentum of his food, and has progressed from chicken broth to a bit more substance today, and all is looking a little better.

Thank goodness, 'cause I hate it when my babies feel bad!

So, since we're going about our Saturday despite the ick, I'll go ahead and share some cute little pics of the girlies that I've been meaning to post all week, before I get distracted again.

The gist of things is that my sweet, nutty girlies have really expanded their imaginative and role-type play, of late.

So often, these days, I catch them adorably buddying up to act out entire scenes from movies or shows (taking turns with the prime roles), or using imaginative props for their entertainment.

And it's just the best.

And the best of the best is their campfire play that they just love to engage in after our daily walk/bike ride.

They gather up sticks and rocks and make just the cutest campfires on our front sidewalk or up in this grouping of trees we have.

It's taken awhile for Chicklet to be constructive rather than destructive with the sticks 'n stuff, but she's finally gotten there, ha.

And look how dang cute they are!

For a ridiculous minute, I thought about buying them a plush campire set, since they seem to like pretending with one so much.

And then, a minute later, I thought: no, you ridiculous Mama! Let them use their little brains for play!

I've had random neighbors mention the collection of goods they've seen gathered on the sidewalk. And I'm kind of proud of the signs of their "good, old-fashioned fun," as one of them put it.

I'm so glad these two are having some adorable play time these days. And I hope it continues (at a greater pace than the fighting, ha).

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Oh--and here's one more pic of them acting out a movie scene together the other night--if only they hadn't dismantled my flowers so they could use the leaves as wings.



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