Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm A Sucker

Well, peeps. It's totally happened. The dum-dum stage.

That glorious phase each of my angelic and rambunctious and demanding and LOUD children have gone through where I use suckers as bribes. Freely.

This round is Little Man's prime.

He's so dang demanding and wiggly and uncooperative (but impossibly adorable and entertaining) that I've resorted to buying the ginormous pack of dum-dums and keeping a dozen in my purse at all times.

I ain't got no shame.

And you wouldn't either if you heard my crazy train coming your way.

Should I consider it a judgmental sign that the tooth fairy visited Chica's school today for an informative healthy oral habits chat?

My take? All is fair in love and tactical parenting.


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