Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Random Roundup (for a Tuesday in February)

Are you ready for some super random fun tidbits tonight that have pretty much nothing to do with one another--other than the fact that they're all things I've wanted to share and haven't had time???



1. Screen Time

We only watched 30 minutes of TV today, all day. And it was heaven. A complete reversal of last week's massive TV and movie onslaught while we were down and out with the sick.

Lots and lots of outdoor time was had instead of the TV time--and my babes were happy.

2. Play Hard, Sleep Hard

Because of all the outdoor play (and Chica's return to school, woohoo!), the kiddos were tired for naps.

But...Chicklet had a poo interruption that usually spells nap time doom. And I knew she needed rest. So I hauled her downstairs to the master bedroom--where Chica had just fallen asleep in my bed--and, miracle of all miracles, she actually went to sleep!

And I got Chicklet snuggles.

Which is pretty much the rarest of all rare occurrences.

Such a sleeping beauty:

3. Valentine Assembly

We've been busy making little, cute love bugs to give to Chica's dance Class friends tomorrow.

And with the love bugs mostly assembled, I gave Chica the task of filling the valentines with the other little trinkets we're giving her friends.

She might have purposefully withheld one box of sweet tarts.

And when I questioned her about it, she gave me a puppy dog face and said she had to save that one, or she wouldn't get to eat any, ha.

5. Valentine Boxes

I've mentioned this in the past, but as a refresher: for the two weeks leading up to Valentine's Day, I put teeny gifts in these little felt envelopes for the kiddos every night.

If started three years ago as a way to help us through the post-holiday letdown. But it's become a fun tradition. And the kiddos are always pumped to wake up each morning and come to the dining room to check their envelopes.

Usually it's something low-key. Like, today, it was a balloon. But a few days ago, I gave them these water-pen coloring book thingies (technical term), and they've luuuurved them.

Played with them a ton.

Taken them to restaurants.

They've been a big hit.

6. Coloring

Chica is waaaaay into coloring these days. Big time. And it's awesome, 'cause it entertains her for ages. 

Her very favorite is to color things she knows from movies and such, but look what she colored at school today (fact check: she actually did half at school and finished the other half at home).

I mean, amazing! (In my humble Mama opinion.) Look at those creative stripes! And I saw the other kids' pictures at school, and none were fancy like this. ;)

7. Cart Boy

Little Man luuuurvs this little tea set cart that was originally Chicklet's. It lives in the pantry and he drags it out every day, loads it with his "treasures" like fruit and veggie pouches, and pushes it all over the downstairs.

And, sometimes, sits on it. ;)

8. Unapproved Trick

And speaking of my cart boy...he has a new trick I'm so not a fan of.

Sneaking into the kids' upstairs bathroom, and climbing his little tushy onto the counter. So he can get to things. Like toothbrushes.

No bueno. Me no likee.

And lastly, for this random list o' things that could've each been their own posts...

9. Shirt With Flair

I am soooo loving this cold-shoulder style shirt I bought Chicklet. It's just a simple t-shirt with a bit of shoulder flair, and she's gotten so many dang compliments on it that it's hilarious. I'm glad I ordered it in two colors. It fancies up simple leggings. And I totally wish they made it in my size! ;)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

There's no #4, but I'm too lazy to renumber. Over and out.


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