Friday, February 17, 2017

Shrink Art Project!

We did the niftiest project today that was super simple but also something cool and a bit different.

It was just this little shrink art kit I found in the dollar bins (for $3; a contradiction to the dollar bin name, but just giving you the facts, ha) at Target.

It included a handful of shapes that were about the size of your palm...give or take the size of your palm, hehe. 

The girlies just had to color the shapes in, according to their artistic visions. ;) And, let's face it, since Chica, in particular, is in luuuurv with coloring these days, all was happy.

I mean, just look at that focus.

And, fun Chicklet fact: I've recently noticed that every time we color upstairs, she insists on using the blue crayon. Then today, she insisted on using just the green marker, and only the green marker. Perhaps because there were only four markers in the kit and green was the closest to blue? Am I sensing some budding color preferences?

After the shapes were all decorated, we lined 'em up...

...and were instructed to place them in the oven for about one minute.

They curled at the edges as they shrank, and then flattened back out again as their much tinier, thicker selves. Magic!

So fun and compact and sturdy!

We strung a few of each girlies' creations onto the included string to make little charm necklaces. And they were proud (the girlies, not the charms).

So grateful for a cool and easy breezy project on a morning when we were free to just create and play without a schedule.

And so grateful for Little Man's personal diaper business, that kept him "occupied" while we were busy crafting.


Happy Long Weekend!

Over and out.

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