Tuesday, March 7, 2017

First Bathing Suits Of The Year!

Oh my ever-loving goodness, it's no secret that I love buying the kiddos' clothes far more than I love buying my own.

I mean, it's just the best outlet for a little retail therapy and Mama pride to find an inexpensive little something--or better yet, three somethings so they coordinate and make my heart skip a little beat.

I'm incredibly blessed in this way that my hubby enjoys it as well, and trusts me to be conservative in my happy, happy, joy, joy spending.

But I've come to learn there's one particular item of kids' clothing that's a real weakness for me, and that's bathing suits.

I mean, they make them all so dang cute that it's near-impossible to resist the purchase! Thank the heavens that I generally spend only $7 (there are good sales all the time on swim gear) to $15 on them so I don't wallow too greatly in my shame.

So that confession out there...here are the first suits of 2017!

I've been eyeing them since January and finally just pulled the trigger to get the sizes I needed. Especially since we're gearing up for two Chicklet birthday activities in the coming weeks (yay for Chicklet's birthday month!), and one is the zoo (the girlies are begging to see cheetahs) and the other will likely involve water.

So...drum roll, puh-lease (and hilariously, please note these involve cheetahs and water):

I mean, I die. It's flueruoscent, obnoxious adorable-ness, hehe.

I knew Chica had been eyeing the suit, because of her animal-print obsession, obviously. But I totally hadn't counted on Chicklet's luuuuurv for it, too.

In fact, she luuuuurved it so much that she had a massive meltdown when I made her take it off (after a half an hour, mind you) and just didn't understand why she couldn't wear it on her bike ride, ha.

I mean, just look at the hilarious nugget.

So fun to see these suits on them and look forward the promise of splashing fun in the future.

Oh, and Little Man got one, as well (though not fleurescent animal print, ha), just didn't end up modeling his.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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