Saturday, March 4, 2017

My Wild & Wispy Beauty

For this very random post on this random evening in early March, I shall wax poetic about my love for Chicklet's untamed, wispy hair that is so very beautiful.

First, we must start at the beginning and examine the hairline of my beloved second-born, which was quite recessive roundabout her first birthday:

Of course, I never noticed at the time, because my babies are always perfect in every stage of their lives in their Mama's eyes--which means God deemed this the perfect amount of hair for my one-year-old daughter, and I agreed.

Fast forward eighteen months or so, and her hair was finally growing, and the wispy bangs were evident in full force. It's like a halo dusting around her temple as that receding area finally fills in. And it's just absolute perfection and so fitting on her.

Over the past few months, her hair growth has picked up speed--and so have her wild and gorgeous wispies. They don't want to be pulled back or swept to the side, or the other side, or the middle. They just want to be wild and free. Like her. :)

On some days (like yesterday), the wispies are now like side-swept bangs, and my gorgeous, sweet, fiesty girl is just stunning.

I love her to bits and pieces and bits.

And I especially luuuuurv that each of my babies has very different hair, and each texture and style and color fits them to perfection.

Almost like God planned it that way.


Happy Weekend, peeps.

P.S. Chicklet has gone through another verbal growth spurt in the past two weeks, and, man, is it amazing to witness!



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