Friday, March 10, 2017

Spontaneous Friday Flowery Fun

So...although I slept just awful again last night (I mean, seriously, what is the dealio?), I felt better at the hour of waking than I have the past couple of days.

So I just gratefully went with it.

And we actually had ourselves a wonderful little Friday.


We got donuts in our pjs, had a wonderful round of play in the backyard, then dunked in quick (necessary) baths and went to meet Daddy for an impromptu lunch.

All good things.

And then, to make things even better, I took the kiddos outside in the courtyard area of the mall while we were waiting on our meal, and the flowers were just heavenly beautiful.

Gorgeous, popping colors. The absolute perfect playscape for them and the perfect background pictures for me


My girl was prowling like a cheetah. As one does. ;) Oh, and yes, yes her hair is pulled back. I did it like that quickly before we played in the backyard in the morning and she dug it and asked for it again later, hehe.

I mean, just gorgeous. So vibrant--both the kiddos and the scenery.

You know, it's often very tiring to chase after my Little Man when we're outdoors with no boundaries. But I've been reminding myself so much lately that, in a couple months, it will not only be tiring but also oppressively hot when we're enjoying our fresh air. So I need to soak up this cooler kind of exhaustion while I can, ha.
Perspective, peeps. It's all about perspective.

And appreciating the random, lovely bursts of fun.

Happy Weekend!
P.S. Oh, and bonus to our fun excursion--we got to pop in on Aunt Nancy! :)



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