Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Dallas Zoo--2017!

Today, we made our first trip to The Dallas Zoo since Chica was just over a year old!

And this trip was extra special because it marked the inaugural event of Chicklet's THIRD birthday festivities!

(In case you were wondering, there will be four events to her bday festivities in total, ha. More to come!)

Since our last visit to the zoo in 2013 was in July and it was about two thousand degrees outside, this time felt like a moderately-temperate dream. Overcast in the morning, sunny and getting steamy by the time we left. Perfect.

Aaaaand, we managed to get there on time (scratch that; we were early!) so that we could catch the MAIN attraction we were there to see:

The Cheetah.

The girlies had been taking about him for days. And we caught the fun demonstration they do twice a day on the weekends that showcases him running at full speed. And he came so close to the fence afterward that it was just the best ever.

And, of course, we came home with stuffed cheetahs.


Okay, photo explosion here we come! Enjoy!




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