Monday, April 24, 2017

Magical Hair Aging

Oh for the love of all that is holy...

I whipped Chicklet's hair into a knot today after our walk, and it added about twenty-freaking-five years to her face instantly. 

And I died.

Like, dead.

And when I showed Daddy the pics, he died even more--and then made me stop showing them, ha.

My beautiful, stunning girl looks way too old when you can see her complete face and beautiful jawline. Waaaaaaaaaah. Stop growing! Immediately, if not sooner!

And my second case in point of instant hair aging: Chica this weekend when we were outside for a windy patio meal and I had to keep her hair out of her face.

I mean...I'm starting to think it's a really, super-fantastic, best-thing-ever kind of stroke of luck that they won't let me do different things to their hair. Because I can't handle the heart trauma it causes to see them instantly mature, ha.

Though, the other day, just for kicks, I pulled Chica's hair into a simple but lovely style while she was watching TV and not paying attention. And it was beautiful.

And then she noticed and told me to take it out and put in her signature braid, ha.

But to soften the blow, she told me that maybe when she turned five she would like that hairstyle. Ha.


Love my girlies--any hair, any how.




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