Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Amazing Claw Conquerer

So...I feel like I should start this off with a testing, 1, 2, 3, so I don't get my hopes up and think the bugs in my blogging app have been fixed, but here goes nothin'.

We're diving in!

So...(for the second time, ha), we had the most unexpectedly lovely family day yesterday that didn't involve what was originally on the agenda.

And aren't those days sort of the best?

It all started to go beautifully off track when we finished a nice, efficient breakfast out, and then realized we were early for church.

Say, what???


I said early.

As in, that thing we never are, and most definitely never, ever are on Sunday mornings when headed to church, ha.

But--shocker that it was--it happened. 

And we had some time to kill.

And since I'd sort of been trucking along with adding some more items to the makeshift, backyard flower bed I started last week, I needed to stop for some additional supplies at Walmart.

And so we did.

Now, here's the point where I need to sound like an alien, or some privileged snit and admit that our family hasn't frequented Walmart a ton, of late.

Please don't judge me.

We used to, when we lived in our previous home, closer to a Walmart I preferred.

But in this home, given: a) the proximity of certain stores, b) my dwindling reserve of time and ability to run errands (we've added a couple kiddos to the mix since we last moved, ha), and, c) my ever-growing love and obsessive loyalty to Target...well, Walmart has sort of fallen by the wayside (except for the gardening center).

So when our fivesome ventured in to kill some time and pick up a couple of yard-related items, it became an explosion of kid-in-a-candy-shop syndrome. Tons of "look at that" and "oh my gosh, check these out" and "hey, come over here."

It was hilarious.

And people probably thought we were pretty nutty.

But it was heaven.

And extra-special magical because the whole excursion started with a stop at that rigged, stuffed animal claw machine that Daddy just couldn't resist.


No joke.

He caught this awesome rainbow bear for Chicklet on his second try, as if it were easy breezy.

And, of course, the kiddos (never having experienced one of these machines before), didn't understand why their parents were elatedly baffled and going happily nuts.


Here's Daddy, shocked when he caught the thing and I had to whip out my phone for photo evidence:

And here's an ecstatic Chicklet, with her prize:

Of course, you know what came next. Daddy just had to try to win another one--for a pleading Chica this time--on the way out.

Naturally, we were tempering her expectations like crazy, but wouldn't ya know it??

Yup. That's a fluorescent, Cheetoh-colored orange bear right there. And Daddy snagged it like it was no, big deal.

I mean...shock and awe, folks. Shock and awe.

And, of course, we've totally ruined the girlies on these machines for the rest of their lives.

I'm sorry (or oddly happy?) to say that we never did make it to church. Thus ruining our great track record, of late.

But the family fun time was a true blessing and a lovely break from routine. And we all left Walmart pretty, dang happy.

After a few more errands, the youngest two kiddos were put down for naps and Chica was given a reprieve so she could come "help" in the backyard. 

We managed to finished out the fledgling flower bed with our rock barrier for the excess water flow, and planted a few privets (that I just love for their heartiness and low-maintenance existence).

And, call me insane, but I shed a couple of happy tears watching these two dig the homes for them...

And Daddy totally called it later when he said I'd have such a lovey memory of the day they were planted. :)

Of course, after dusk, when the other kiddos were released into the wild, they went nuts over the rocks...which will probably end up all over the yard through their tiny, grabby hands, ha.

But it would be totally worth the clean-up, as long as they ran around this happy about it.


Grateful for a beautiful Sunday...and trying to ignore the signs that my kiddos are getting sick. AGAIN.

Over and out.

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