Sunday, June 25, 2017

All For One; No Fun For All

So...we've had a relatively low-key weekend--by choice and by force.

First, because it was a rainy Saturday.

And, second, because Chicklet is sick.

And that marks the first kiddo with real ick germs in a couple of months (which is like eons and millenniums and more eons in kiddo-germ time), so it seems a bit more painful after a break from it.

Added to that, Mama and Daddy were TIRED today and just ready for about a 48-hour siesta. So, twenty minutes before usual bath time, we just herded the kiddos together, got the job done, and called it a night. Ha.

That said, we've had a ton o' fun with pre-birthday celebrations for Chica over the last couple of days.

She enjoyed gifts from Dada on Friday, and opened Nanna's delivered package on Saturday.

Collectively, the grandparents did an awesomesauce job with the gifts, which makes our final, family gifts on her actual bday (Tuesday) easy-peasy and nothin' but joy.


As fun as the gift-giving is for Chica, it's pretty much a holy terror of meltdown nightmares for the rest of the household. Because it's impossible for a three-year-old and less-than-two-year-old to understand why one sibling gets stuff and the others don't.

Oye. Oye, oye, oye.

So even though Chica was gracious with sharing (eventually), we had lots of highs and lows (decibals and emotions) over the weekend. 

Here are a slew of pics--and if you look closely, you can see some disgruntled siblings in action.

The sibling birthday present struggle is real, peeps. Oh so real.


And side note--Chica's totally been enjoying any cards that come via mail. Like this one, from her Godfather. 

Wish us good night's rest with poor Chicklet.

Oh, and if we needed hard and fast proof she's sick: Daddy got her to nap (by great force, ha) today for the first time in seven weeks!

Over and out, peeps.

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