Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Chica's 5th Birthday! (Afternoon/Evening)

So...where were we??

Oh, that's right.

Chica's 5th Birthday!

To get us back in the groove, let's take a lil' trip down memory lane...

I mean, talk about a kick to the gut (and hormones).

She. Won't. Stop. Growing!

But, man, did she have fun yesterday.

We left off after lunch in the last post. So here's how she decorated her room for quiet time...

Here's our afternoon baking whilst waiting for Daddy to arrive...

And here's Daddy, home bearing balloons and a confetti launcher that almost caused a divorce.

(I kid.)

(But, seriously. No confetti launchers indoors. He remembered getting them for Chicklet's birthday in March--just conveniently forgot we launched them outdoors.)

Then present time (a Paw Patrol Pak that caused the most traumatic meltdown for Chicklet. Like, uncontrollable sobs until Chica was kind enough to share)...

And the cake! (Complete with a spinning, blooming flower candle that sang happy birthday whilst it twirled. Daddy brought it home, much to my terror, until I realized the flame spun slowly, ha. I was envisioning a firecracker whirling dirvish.)

We seriously had a great day from start to finish (although the finish involved Little Man taking care of some, ahem, business in the bathtub that required an immediate evacuation, some gag-inducing cleanup, and a lot o' bleach. Joy.)

Tomorrow will require a specific post in and of itself to share oodles of pics of Chica's final gift that was really fun for the whole trio.

And I mean fun.

Here's a little sneak peek. More soon!

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