Friday, June 9, 2017

First Swim Lessons--2017

Well, peeps.

The final flare to signal the start of summer has been launched.

Swim lessons, they happened.


And we survived!


Not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous, considering the start of last summer's swim lessons was pretty much the definition of disastrous, painful and heinously challenging.

But we did better today!

Chica was golden.

Little Man was a little, smiley champ (who would've guessed?). He even willingly handled some of the submerssions that they don't force on them right away. Woohoo!

And Chicklet--my one I was worried about going in--was, well, okay.

She bawled and screamed like a maniac for the first ten minutes. In part, because she wasn't with me. And in part, because she really wanted to go down the big slide that they get to use at the end of class as a treat.

But her persistent and wonderful swim instructor prevailed in calming her down with a triage of diversions (look at that pink floatie, or, hey, look at your sister over there), briberies (skittles) and good old-fashioned patience.

It was hard to keep my distance and focus on Little Man's water babies class while Chicklet was still insane in the membrane, but I knew it would make it worse if I intervened or re-engaged when the instructor was doing her thing. And I was right. She's got this (Chicklet, and her instructor).

Of course, it helps that Chicklet's class is just her and one other little boy for now. And there are two instructors, so it's one-on-one at this point. That's the major advantage of having early morning classes this summer--which is something I was dreading, so yay for turning my frown upside down!

So one week down, nine more to go!

And if I don't mind saying so myself (and I don't, hehe), we totally kicked this first week of summer's backside!

That said...if our activities and fun extras continue at this pace for the next two months, I might be in traction sooner rather than later.



Night, 'peeps!

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