Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Gone Pioneering's a truth universally acknowledged that the women in my family luuuurv this onetime blogger turned blogger/Food Network star/rockstar of pretty much anything food and cookware related:


I will never forget my mother's gentle persistence (read: harassment) that I read the PW Woman's blog years ago, circa 2000. And, sure, it took me awhile to heed her "advice," but as soon as I did, I was hooked.

Which would explain my out-of-body experience and subsequent mortification when I happened upon (read/ stalked) The Woman herself a couple years ago in my local Nordstrom.

If you wanna refresher of the incident, read here:


So it's a total riot to report that my mother had her own out-of-body experience this week when she visited the PW's local Mercantile meca with a couple of girlfriends...and ended up with a story better than my own!

The Cliff's Notes version:

They went, they visited, they picked up a beautiful, logo'd piece of paper by the mercantile register as a keepsake, they didn't bother reading the paper until they'd driven all the way back to their hometown...and saw that the paper was a super-top-secret, that-day-only invitation to the PW's personal property, for anyone who was fortunate to pick it up. 

So they did what any rational person (read: I yelled at my mom when she called to demand that SHE MUST DRIVE BACK), and they made another round trip, flying by the seats of their pants so they could make it in time to have the experience of a lifetime.

And now, I shall post her pictures as if they were my own, because living vicariously is the only thing keeping me from disowning her for life (or better yet, withholding her grandchildren!) for not telling me she was going on this excursion to begin with.

Oh, and the silly captions and editing are all my own, ha.


Oh, and I should note that they enjoyed all this GLORIOUS pioneer heaven all by themselves, without another soul around.

Have I mentioned the disowning???


What a fun day.

Even if it was without me.

And someday, when I'm over the betrayal, I'll get there myself (I hope!).

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