Thursday, July 27, 2017

Ends And Beginnings

So...almost a full year ago, my (not-so-little-anymore) nugget went for her first day of Pre-K:

And, today, that same little nugget went for her last day of Pre-K:

I say it was surreal to make that drive to school for the final time today would be putting it wildly mildly. I mean...where has a year gone???

In some ways, I feel the challenge of every stinking drop-off and pick up we made (helloooo, many screaming, crying, squirming, protesting, kicking children, ha). And in other ways, it's gone by in a flash.

But I'm so proud of my girl. She's so proud of herself. And so excited about kindergarten.

It was the right thing to keep her in Pre-K for most of the summer so the five-day-a-week elementary routine wouldn't be such a ginormous shock. But now we get a couple precious weeks off--with a vacation thrown in there--and then we'll be reading for the big K Day.


Andother ending of sorts...

Yesterday was our last day of summer dance classes. And though Chica will continue with classes in the Fall semester, she'll now switch to an after-school weekday time...which means she won't have our beloved Miss Anna (who only teaches in the mornings) as an instructor anymore. :(

To say that we adore Miss Anna would be a wild understatement (and you know this if you've followed along with our dance adventures on this here blog). She gave Chica such a nurturing and personally-invested kickstart into the fun of dance, and I could not be more grateful to her. She's a blessing, and Chica will miss her. But she'll have this beautiful gift on her shelf as a reminder of lovely Miss Anna, who gifted it with her today.

Now--praise the heavens!--there's an upside to Chica's parting with Miss Anna. And that's the fact that Chicklet will now get that same love and attention from Miss Anna on Wednesday mornings. :)

I don't think I've had the chance to post this summer about Chicklet's causal and easy-breezy joining of Chica's dance class. It happened one day, a few weeks back, and Chicklet has been full-on excited about class every week since.

She's stinking adorable in her dance gear and participates so well. I'm uber-grateful her interest in class is happening at such a fortuitous time, when Chica will be headed to school five days a week, and my tiny two will need their own diversions to invest in.

So, yay, for a new beginning!

And lastly, on the new beginnings front:

Chica went to the dentist today, and OFFICIALLY HAS HER FIRST LOOSE TOOTH!

I mean, I die.

(And I'm not gonna lie--I also squirm.)

This teeth-loosing thing will be a whole new ball-game around our casa, but Chica is wildly excited! She thought turning five automatically meant a loose tooth, and I've been trying to caution her against such expectations. But apparently, there was no need!

I'm so shocked, and I better get a move-on with prepping the tooth fairy gear!

The dentist did an x-ray to check out the adult tooth pushing its way up, and guessed the baby one (one of her bottom middle ones) will fall out within the month. Eeeeeeeek!

(And, yes, yes she did wear a fascinator to the dentist, hehe.)

Can't believe all these little endings and beginnings of late. Such an ever-changing life this is with wee ones!

More maƱana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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