Monday, August 28, 2017


Oh. My. Heavenly. Goodness.

My firstborn baby started kindergarten today, and I have no words.

Well, a few words...or maybe they're more like sounds.

Of wailing.

And sobbing.

And curling into the fetal position (does that make a sound?).

And, yeah, yeah, sure, there's boatloads of pride and excitement and wonder mixed in there, but I don't wanna talk about it yet!

So just take a look at these pictures.

I mean, could she be any more adorable???

And look at her rainbow nails (per her request):

She joined right in, easy peasy (nothin' like play-doh to snag a kiddo's interest):

And barely looked up when we headed out after our brief drop-off. Victory!

When I picked her up (and, man, what a trial by fire to navigate that carpool/walking whoopla), she looked just the right amount of shell-shocked, ha. Properly exhausted, but a little lit up over the independence. 

So in other words--all the emotions you'd expect.

And, holy cow, is so close to losing that first tooth!

All her rockstar grandparents made her feel so special with flowers and jewelry--and the other kiddos were occupied while she had her special moment with the gifts, so nobody got jealous. :)

I only got a handful of details about her day, but she was glowing when she reported that she found one of her Pre-K friends on the playground, and we had no idea they'd at the same elementary school! So that was pretty awesome.

And doubly awesome was the hour spent with more fun play-doh when everybody was reunited at home. 

My girl was exhausted by late afternoon.

Like, incoherently, emotionally exhausted. Breaking down in tears over the slightest thing.

So...bedtime came early for all, and of course, I'm expecting a few weeks of lots o' transition pains.

But we'll take it as it comes, and wish for another great day tomorrow!

Over and out, peeps!

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