Tuesday, August 8, 2017


So...I've mentioned that m'back is a wee bit broken at the moment (translation: truckload of pain; hilarious, old man stooped over walking). And since we've got an impending vacation I need to heal up for, we focused on something very important today toward my ongoing recovery:


(Wait. I just read that back and it sounds like I did nothing to help my recovery, when I really mean we did nothing, and that helped my recovery. Make sense? Even if it doesn't, nod with me, people.)

We stayed in our pjs all day. Even for a drive up to KFC to pick up lunch ('cause we're classy like that).

The kiddos packed and re-packed their backpacks for the trip (have I mentioned they're insanely excited?).

And we just sat. 

And lounged on the couch.

And watched waaaaay too much TV.

And when Chica was a bit tired (she should have napped) in the afternoon and emotional and needed snuggles, we spooned on the couch for 45 minutes with Chicklet and Little Man joining sporadically. It. Was. Glorious.

Oh, and I gave them giant cookies for lunch and dinner.

Mother of the Year, I tell ya, ha. 

But you know what? There was very little crying or complaining, the kiddos were all pretty chill (which they rarely are during a stay-at-home day), and with the big kindergarten deadline looming, it was precious, precious lazy time.

So grateful.

And grateful my back is feeling about 10% better for it.


And as a P.S., here are two pics from the weekend that are cutie-pie-patootie that I never posted.

Over and out, peeps.

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