Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Patient Is In

So...we've been totally and completely in a go-with-the-flow mode this week, our last week before kindergarten.

And that involves impromptu activities and projects--today feature being our monthly Kiwi Crate! Woohoo.

This box's theme was all about the human body, and we had a blast with the finished product today.

It involved a giant poster, and felt organs that we assembled by sewing and stuffing (but not including the optional eyes and smile, which I thought were hilarious in a not-quite-right sort of way, ha).

Here's our brain...

And heart...

And intenstine, of course. 

And here's the lead doctor kicking things off with the stethoscope we actually assembled yesterday.

It was Little Man's favorite component is the project (when he wasn't trying to take it apart, ha).

And Chicklet came to life when I busted out her recording utensils for thorough exam notes. ;)

Chica gathered all of our beloved Doc McStuffins gear to make for the most prepared examination.

And, boy, was she on it. 

I love it when we have these sorts of projects that are educational, fun, and wholeheartedly useful of the imagination and role play.

Thrive, my little doctors. Thrive.

Over and out.

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