Friday, September 22, 2017

The Great Settling In's been nearly a month since the big kindergarten launch and life upheaval, and I'm ridiculously happy to report that we're settling in.

Like, truly settling in.

And since today is the first day of Fall--woohoo! (but boohoo for a looming Daylight Savings change)--it's a great time to take stock of our new normal.

(Side note--this is NOT a heavenly autumnal pic from our neck of the woods. It's wildly wishful thinking.) that I've gotten the foliage gorgeousness out of my system, back to our new normal.

So...despite the earlier wake-up and tick-tock of the clock leading to pick-up, I've managed to find the joy in many things.


Rolled-down car windows on the morning drive to school.

Dog watching (also on the way to school).

The sense of community as dozens of neighborhood families make the trek--by car, golf cart, foot, bike and scooter--across the street.

The leaves that, yes, are beginning to fall.

The energy expelled by all three kiddos at pick-up time, when they play with friends and gusto on the playground.

The slushee runs after we're loaded into the car.

It's all pretty lovely, if busy. 

But the two biggest bonuses of this life change:

Chicklet is blooming under the extra attention.

It just so happens that this schedule change coincided with a lovely Chicklet growth spurt.

She is thriving these days. Chatting about everything. Running her imagination a mile a minute. Expressing her love (not gonna lie, mostly toward Mama, but also toward "Halloweenz"). It's just the best. And I adore giving her the attention she so deserves.

The other major bonus of our new normal:

The kiddos are just so dang happy to play together in the afternoon.

It's like a family reunion, every day.

Such happy (if sometimes emotionally volatile, ha) kiddos.

And yes, yes that is Little Man in a princess dress. The siblings that costume play together stay together. ;)

So, all in all, we're a pretty happy and stable bunch heading into the Fall.

Only small negatives:

Chica is so wiped after school that she just wants to come home and play with her brother and sister. 

Which is great--except for the fact that she's fighting leaving for dance class. And I don't have it in me to force her out of the house, even though she adores it while she's there.


We're gonna take a little break until we settle a bit more and take it from there. 

And secondly, the sick ick seems to be here for good, continually cycling through somebody. Already. 

Chica was home from school a day, Chicklet and Little Man have each fought off crud on a few occasions, and Mama had to throw in the towel on Tuesday and call Daddy home for reinforcement.

I was down and out.


But. I had the best medicine as I recovered the rest of the week:

Prescription-strength kiddo cuddle love always works like a charm. 

So there you have it.

I think we're about caught up on life.

Tons o' fun is on the horizon with some extended family time this weekend--and Little Man's second birthday next week (don't even get me started, or I'll weep.)

Happy Weekend, peeps!

And Happy First Day of Fall!

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