Friday, September 22, 2017

Glitter (Not Glamour) Shots

So...I don't think I ever posted about this back when it happened, but here's the shortened story.

1. I luuurved our Chirstmas cards pics from last year.

2. They were taken during the easiest, breeziest, outdoor, twenty-minute photo session EVER on the face of the earth.

3. The photographer has three tiny children, so she knows the drill and kept us from collapsing in a pile o' tears and frustration and regret.

4. This same photographer does other themed mini sessions throughout the year.

5. One involves GLITTER.

6. Need I say more???

7. Oh yeah. Tutus.

8. And tiaras.

9. And confetti instead of glitter to dude it up a bit for Little Man.

10. And...we did it. And it was golden. Literally

I mean, if that's not a money shot, I don't know what is! You'll notice more of Chica than of Chicklet or Little Man, and that's simply a factor of age and willingness to pose and play without disaster, ha. But I ended up with some beautiful images and at least one gorgeous one of each kiddo. Woohoo.

Now for a little truth bomb to keep it realsies here after you've seen all the pretty: the final pics were beautiful enough to erase some mild horrors of the actual session. 

First, they were taken against a backdrop in the photographers garage. In July. In Texas. And...puddle o' sweat.

Second, glitter on tiny hands goes immediately into tiny eyes. And the cleanup is tricky. And time-consuming.

Third, tiny siblings waiting their turn is, well, painful. There was a lot of distracting by chasing tiny tots down the street. Did I mention the July heat??

So...moral of the story. Beautiful pictures are sort of like child birth. With a glorious end result, the pain fades from memory.

Excited to have some beautiful shots of my babies, and extra-excited for our outdoor Christmas pics that are scheduled for late October, if you can believe it.


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