Friday, September 15, 2017

Halloweeeeeeen Costumes

So...apparently we're consistent with our Halloween decoration kick-off, and with our costume round-up. Because we've already locked in two of the kiddos' costumes. Woohoo!

About a month ago, when the first costume catalogue arrived at the casa (crazy/wonderful, I know) and we started talking through ideas, I was pretty dang sure our days of family-themed costumes were over. 'Cause Chicklet was set on a dragon, and Chica was in love with a mermaid. And try as I might, I just couldn't connect those dots and salvage a story, ha.

So I just resigned myself to random but adorable and awesomesauce kiddo individuality and let them do their thing(s).

Fast forward a bit, and it was like a choir of angels singing hallelujah when we came across a girly and amazing dragon costume at TJMaxx and Chica begged to bring it home.

And just like that, we we're back in the family Halloween game!

Dragons all the way for Halloween 2017!

Assuming nobody changes their mind between now and then. ;)

Although Chicklet loved this one dragon costume she tried on awhile back, I was concerned about her actually keeping the giant headpiece on for longer than thirty seconds. So when we found a genius alternative option at Tar-jay...sold!

Like last year, I'll save the full-color awesomesauce for Halloween, but here are some black and white previews:

I mean...I die. :)

And I can't wait to see what cuteness overload we can find for Little Man.

In related news, the decorations continue. Today, we busted out our bats!

And here's our amazing, new addition this year. The best spiders ever! Inexpensive and easy to arrange on the stairwell. I already want more of 'em!

And have I mentioned how CRAZY CUTE my kiddos are?? They're having a blast with all this holiday kick-off.

Soooooo glad it's the weekend so we can chill a teeny-tiny bit.

Over and out.

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