Thursday, September 14, 2017

Nothing If Not (Halloween) Consistent

Double-post alert! Trying to catch up on life fun. ;)

And one of the major life joys of this past week has been the kick-off of The Holiday Season. 

Halloweeeeeeeeen is a-comin'!

I mean, I knew the decorations were imminent around our casa as soon as the loot showed up at Tar-jay, but it was actually my amazing Chicklet who demanded we "do Halloween" at the house, "right now."

And she would not stop asking until I busted out the decoration bins, ha.

So that's what we've been doing, gradually, over the past two days, hehe.

Here's Little Man having some major fun with our tiny jumping spider spring toys (technical term). Too bad I didn't get the actual spiders in any of the pictures, ha.

And Chicklet is wildly obsessed with our Halloween nuggets (yep, chicken nuggets with costumes, courtesy of McDonalds in my childhood.) It's so fun because Chica monopolized this obsession last year.

Hilariously, after I put some of the mantel decorations up today, I pulled up the blog to see when we started getting spooky last year.

And--no-joke--it was September 14th.


One year TO THE DAY. Ha.

So I suppose we're nothing if not consistent.

Yaaaaaaaaaas to the seasonal kick-off.

And muuuuuuuch more to come!

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