Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chica's Kindergarten Halloween Fun!

So...I've been quiet this week on this here blog because:

1. I've been busy.

2. I've been crazy busy.

3. Nanna arrived in town, so I've been crazy busy doing the things I'm too busy to do when I'm busy with my kiddos without any helping grandparent hands (and eyes and ears) in town. 

4. My phone has reached capacity with 14,190 pictures and 423 videos. So I can't take no mo' until I transfer everything to a hard drive ('cause the iCloud and I ain't forever friends) and wipe my phone so I have storage again. Can I get an AARRRRRGGGHHHH.

So...I'm about to go on a majah posting binge to catch up before the big wipe (ew, I've been potty training too much), so get ready for some rapid fire catch-up. M'kay? M'kay.

First up--Chica had a fun and fabulous Friday at school for many reasons.

First, she got to wear her costume. Woohoo!

Second--I got to volunteer at school (because of those helping grandparent hands to watch Chicklet and Little Man)!

Naturally, I dressed in a little Halloween flair, as well, and I wish I knew who took this picture. I'm gonna say Chicklet??

I did two rounds of volunteering--first, in Chica's classroom, and a bit later, for some lunchroom duty. And there are soooooo many things I have to say about my time up there:

First, God Bless teachers.

Second, God Bless my well-behaved child. I was so proud as I watched her following instructions and engaging in all her tasks with a big smile. :)

And third...did I say God Bless teachers??? 'Cause some of those kiddos (who I was tasked with helping) are a handful. It required a little extra love and patience, but it was so fulfilling to see Chica's everyday environment and put faces with names of so many students and adults I've heard so much about.

I so hope I have a chance to sign up again soon.

And the last reason Chica had a super-fun day:

Daddy volunteered for pumpkin carving duty in Chica's class. Woohoo!

Here he is, holding his pumpkin (why does that sound dirty???) on Thursday night (pre-carved and scooped out to save time with the kiddos, naturally):

And here are the proud pumpkins carved by him and three other volunteer dads:

He aimed high, going for an Ariel Mermaid carving, and did a hilariously awesome/unfinished job. And he had fun, too. :)

It really was a fun and busy day of hopping here, there and everywhere (and getting outside briefly with Chicklet and Little Man before the brrrrrr cold breezed through).

Sooooo fun to add these school activities to our Fall festivities. And I'm very grateful for the chance to get a little behind-the-scenes peek at school.

Oh, and, yes, Chica was on cloud nine having both parents up at school on the same day!

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