Monday, October 16, 2017

The Sick Ick Wins

So...when we last left off on this here blog, I was telling you it had been a Good Day (Friday), and somebody needed to remind me of that when things went south again.

Then Saturday happened, along with some lovely family time, but nobody was operating at 100%, and Chica, in particular, was exhibiting some worrisome symptoms.

But my trio still looked stinkin' adorable in their football gear for OU/Texas Weekend, though.

So fast forward to Sunday, and we find ourselves in urgent care--AGAIN--this time with Chica.

For anybody who's keeping count, that means all three kiddos have now been to urgent care and the pediatrician, with a bonus hospital round for Beckett, all within the last 10 days. Not to mention a round of vomiting for Mama, and a stomach virus for Daddy.

I officially surrender the month of October.

The sick ick wins.

It can have this month.

I give up.

I'm waving a white, antibacterial-laced flag.

Calling it a loss (sprinkled in with some awesomesauce Halloween/Fall fun here and there).

It's just hilarious at this point. 

When it's not meltdown-inducing.

The net/net is that Chica has a bacterial infection of the eyes and ears that's part of the pink eye family. 

Contagious? Yup. Likely to spread to our other kiddos? You betcha. The cause of another kindergarten sick day today? Uh huh. (That's three for her so far since the school year began). 

Oye, Oye, Oye.

Funny enough, Chica was in a lovely mood today (until she woke up crying awhile ago with major ear pain), and as of about 5 pm today, the antibiotics have been in her system long enough that she's no longer contagious.

So. There's that.

And...I just couldn't take another day cooped up indoors, so we headed outdoors as much as possible (fresh air + a decent perimeter from any human beings = our happy place), and we even enjoyed an impromptu pond picnic. And a walk/bike ride in the evening.

Gotta count the little blessings, m'peeps.

So all in all, it wasn't a terrible day, but I must admit that I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Repeatedly.

Because on top of all this illness, Chicklet had been having some sleep problems, and I had to take a stand last night and engage in a battle of wills before it snowballed. Which meant neither of us was asleep for good until 3 am. And then I woke at 6 am to baby monitor problems that meant my short night was pretty much over.

I. Want. To. Sleep. For. Days.

But I'll take just a night better than the last one...beginning in about ten minutes.

Wish me luck.

Over and out.

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