Monday, November 20, 2017

Feathered Headdress Project, my trio and I had such a lovely day of normalcy--which is a feat in and of itself, considering the chaos of Thanksgiving and all that it entails is upon us!

But we just happily ignored the to-dos and played. And baked. And enjoyed time together. And did a fantastic project.

Is it weird that I worry it's not politically correct to state that we made Native American headdresses? I don't think there's anything disrespectful involved with this standard Thanksgiving craft, but my apologies if there is. Because we certainly enjoyed making and wearing them!

We are still very much enjoying the extra elbow room of our new playroom table. :)

I know I said this already in a previous post, but I didn't realize until we had a larger work space just how gosh-dang cramped we were at our old table. And how easily it led to pushing and shoving and stealing and squabbling, ha. So this is extra nice. A place for everyone, and everyone in their place. ;)

They were totally into this little project today (from Hobby Lobby), and I adored the unique designs from each kiddo.

Chica went with a repetitive shape pattern...

Chicklet was all about stacking and layering (and I just DIE over her scrunchy nose smile)...

And Little Man was sparse, but adorable, ha.

Just when I thought they were wrapping up, they'd go back to make just one more...until we'd completed the whole kit, and used up all of our supplies--which rarely happens when the kits come with enough for one dozen!

So this one was a simple winner.

Oh, and say hello to our new playroom curtains back there! I'm loving them.

Here's a couple more pics of them--though it's hard to get decent ones when the curtains themselves are backlit from the windows.

I didn't (completely) plan to have the geometric of the curtains and the mirrors match so perfectly, but I'm gonna take credit, ha.

It's really been an unexpectedly fun project to refresh these things in the playroom, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity (thank you, my indulgent hubby) to do so.

The playroom has always been such a happy and well-used space in our home, and I hope it always stays that way.

So, yay, for a lovely, pre-holiday day. And for a sweet snuggle buddy during nap time.

Looking forward to one more chill(ish) day with my kiddos tomorrow before the raucous fun and family kicks in.

Happy Thanksgiving Monday, peeps!

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