Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Boy And His Flowers Little Man has a very favorite toy (or rather, set of toys) these days that's an oldie but goodie around our house.

It's a set of flowers--or "fayahs" in Little Man's adorable voice. Originally Chicklet's, maybe? Or perhaps even Chica's from a few years ago.

And I must say, it's always been one of my very faves for some reason, so I adore that he adores it.

The pieces are made of recycled plastic so they have this fantastic feel to them, and with endless garden combinations to be made, it's soothing in some hypnotic zen way, ha.

I keep the set in an upper cabinet because I'm uber protective of all the little pieces, but Little Man asks for it morning, noon and night. :)

Here he is, so sweet with it, first thing this morning. :)

I mean, my boy just luuuurvs it these days, and it keeps him so engaged and occupied.

I mean, how gosh dang precious is he???

It's sort of a sweet reminder in light of the upcoming holidays that you never know what will be a favorite toy for your kiddos.

You can plot and scheme and hem and haw over just the right thing, and sometimes, there are surprise hits.

Despite a busy--but super fun--holiday week ahead, I'm feeling pretty good about my to-do list. So much of the yucky stuff is already done, and now, some of the happy prep isupon us.

Given all of the sickness (and strange stress it brings) to our household in the past weeks, I'm looking forward to a couple special days with my trio before family arrives, since Chica is on break from school.

Just enjoying some time together and focusing on what this time of year is really about.

And smelling the roses (pun way intended).

Nighty, night, peeps.

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