Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Playroom Refresh, Sort Of

So...I've been absent on this here blog the past few days because our household has been sick. Again. (Yes, again, again, again!).

Now. I know you're tired of reading this. Because I'm sooooo tired of typing it. I mean, I've become one of those annoying broken records of play-by-play unnecessary details nobody want to read about.

And yet.

I feel a sick sort of need to document this heinous Fall run of poor health, so that next year, I can be like, see, it's not quite so bad



Tell me it will be so!

And since this is my blog, I'm gonna whine if I want to.

So let's just rip this summary off clinical-style and move onto something more fun.

The weekend before last, the hubby was sick (respiratory).

Then a few days later, Chica got sick (respiratory, with a cough soooo bad she made herself throw up many times over many days, and had to be home from school for three days.)

During that three days, Little Man contracted croup--again. Now, because we've been through this just a month ago (and wound up in urgent care and then the hospital), I hopped on it immediately. He got steroids. Then wasn't better over the weekend, so he got stronger steroids at urgent care. Then yesterday, he contracted the same congunctivitus ear/eye infection that Chica had a couple weeks ago and I just laughed (but super sympathetically). I mean...seriously. So he has the good drugs now, if there's a silver lining.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, this Mama Bear finally caved to the pressure of the onslaught of germs I've been trying to keep at bay for six weeks and found myself in urgent care. Where I was prescribed lots of good drugs. That aren't quite helping yet, but hey. At least I've got 'em.

And, lastly, my resilient Chicklet is succumbing to a lesser degree with respiratory gunk that hasn't peaked in severity yet, and I'm praying to all get-out that we won't wind up at our fifth doctor's appointment in ten days.

I mean. 

I'm beat down.

I'm just gonna type it.

I am.

I wave the white flag on this Fall.

It suuuuuuuucks (health wise.)


Something wildly different.

Like...our playroom refresh-in-the-works!

It all began when we walked into IKEA a couple months ago for something completely random that I can no longer recall, and saw this...

Bad lighting in the pic, as IKEA pretty much has difficult lighting in their labirinth of a store. But you get the idea--if not the accurate coloring.

We saw it and thought: huh, that's pretty dang fun.

And we'd been toying with the idea of refreshing the playroom a bit due to:

1. The grey-brown storage towers and TV unit (also IKEA) that we've never really loved up there but served our purpose. 

2. The skewed girly look of the playroom that we wanted to sort of rectify for poor Little Man. There was a lot of pink up there that just sort of happened, ha.

So...we thought, let's do it!

A couple weeks and a handy-dandy installation crew later (that was soooo worth the nominal cost), and voila!

Very fun! And though the gray/blue color of the playroom walls never shows up well in photos, I love the white and mint furniture so much better in there than I ever loved the brown/gray furniture. Such a different vibe! And much better suited to the overall vibe of our house.

(And, yes, if I'd been smart, I would have taken before/after photos.)

We added some beach frames that we also have elsewhere in the house (I'm all about consistency)--though in these pics, there are no photos in them, yet.

And you'll notice the pink stool underneath the tv stand. It was a placeholder for awhile until the extra tv stand legs (that we ordered through a separate site, just like with the new playroom table), came in. We hadn't realized we'd need eight, rather than four. They're all installed now and are a fun bit of flare. But I should note that we're super-glad we put the lower pieces on legs instead of mounting on the wall, as they did in the store. We just like the look better (and there are fewer holes in the walls, ha).

The other bit of flare...in IKEA, we saw that they'd backed the glass display shelves with wallpaper, and thought it would be very easy and fun to replicate on our own. So we did! We bought removable self-adhesive wallpaper that's white and gold, and it was easy-breezy to install for a little extra something fun. Sorry I didn't take a closer shot.

So far, it's all proving to be very functional--along with these fun, black and white cheetah-spotted storage cubes I found at Tar-jay that serve as extra seating.

Oh, and here is one of the black and white pics in the frames now (bad lighting; I took this pic at night).

So...now you have a a little sneak preview of the slow but steady changes we're making in the playroom. It's such a lovely space that we spend soooo much time in. I'm grateful for it always, and especially happy to continue its evolution as the kiddos are growing a bit.

Eventually, we'll have the pink removed (I think curtains are next in the refresh!), and hopefully an accent wall of some sort (opposite wall; behind the couch). all leading to a nice, crisp and gender neutral color palette of white/mint/gray/black.

Okay...my drugs are kicking in and I've already halted this rambling post twice to deal with unsettled trying-to-sleep kiddos. So...more later, as I'm able.

Over and out!


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