Monday, November 6, 2017

The Crunch, Crunch, Crunch Beneath My Feet

So...I'm pretty sure every year like clockwork around early November, I wax poetic about the gorgeous transition to FALL (a no brainer in the waxing poetic department).

And I'm pretty sure every year like clockwork around early November, I quote my very favorite-of-all time line in A Pumpkin Prayer (a children's book, naturally).

It goes something like...

At night I say a pumpkin prayer, under the autumn sky. For crunch, crunch, crunch beneath my feet, and leaves piled up so high.

I adore this sweet little book, and will never, for the rest of all my days, be able to walk through fallen leaves without quoting that line in my head.

But this year, the Fall transition (and the corresponding A Pumpkin Prayer quoting), is especially heightened. 

All due to the stunning trek from our parked car to Chica's kindergarten door for afternoon pick-up.

I am in love with Chica's elementary school for many reasons, but one at the top of the list is the locale.

It's set on an expansive property (I've been told the PTA did a massive fundraiser years back to purchase and preserve the plot of land surrounding the school). And the trees within it are beautiful and comforting and oh so rare for our neck of the woods.

It makes what can seem like a laborsome and repetitive process (pick up, drop off, buckle into car seats, unbuckle out of car seats, herd them all) into quite a treat, no matter the time of year.

But this time of year is quite a thing to behold.

And walking along with my two youngests, all three of us mumbling, "crunch, crunch," just makes my heart happy.

Too bad it does not make my respiratory system happy.

(Nor that of anyone else in the vicinity, if the coughing and hacking and number of children on antibiotics is any indication.)

I'm gonna savor this small, beautiful joy--and hope it bolsters my spirits as the household seems to be falling into another round of ick.

Happy Crunch, Crunch November, peeps. :)

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