Friday, November 3, 2017

Chica's First School Picture

So...Chica's backpack came home bearing her inaugural school picture yesterday, and I heart it so much, I die.

I mean, I just adore how very much it looks like her. 

So, dang, lovely.

And speaking of inaugural school-related events...

Today, we made our first trek to the lost and found, due to the sweaters that have been mysteriously absent from her closet, of late.

It wasn't totally noticeable at first, but after the laundry was rotated a few times, and other closets were checked, and the sweaters were still conspicuously absent, the gig was up.

Lemme just tell you how hard I snort-laughed when I saw the massive dumpster chock full of tiny, distracted human's sweaters and jackets.

I mean, it was priceless.

And this picture doesn't even show a third of it, ha.

I'm thrilled to report that, once up to our elbows in missing items, we located not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE missing sweaters belonging to one Chica o' mine.

And happily carted them home for cleaning.

Here's hoping we either see an improvement in these sweaters making their way home, or we continue to have the same good fortune of retrieving them.

(And note to grandparents: apparently, we can't have enough sweaters, ha.)

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